Author: Ben Teese

Learning how to write a GraphQL server is one of the biggest challenges I've seen for those who are new to GraphQL. This is because it requires a change in mindset, especially if you are accustomed to writing REST servers. Specifically, instead of thinking in terms of implementing individual endpoints in isolation, you have to think in terms of implementing an entire GraphQL schema that can be queried in any way.

In this post I am going to talk about a question that can save you a bunch of time and effort, but is sometimes neglected in the rush from problem to solution: “Who’s had this problem before?”...

TGRS stands for TypeScript, GraphQL, React and serverless. Over the last couple of years we have successfully built a number of enterprise single-page applications (SPAs) using this stack of technologies, as they complement each other well. In this post I'll talk about what our motivations have been for choosing...

Out at Shine's various client sites, our teams often meet to discuss the pros and cons of various technical solutions. And in the past, there was one particular Shine manager who, if he was in attendance, would regularly pipe up and ask the question: what's the problem we're actually trying to solve?